Info: Labradorite is hard solution of albite (30 – 50%) and anorhite (50 – 70%). It usually grows in pegmatite poor on silica. Labradorite has blue-green color, made from his leaf structure and fine grown titanite, magnetite and ilmenite metals inside the mineral.
Info: Chrysocolla is amorphous hard solution of silicic acid and copper silicate, where copper is often replaced by aluminum or iron. Those metals are the reason for that this mineral changes his color from green or blue to brown. Chrysocolla can form translucent aggregates with wax to glass luster...
Info: Muscovite is the name of various mica minerals, which are with good side fissure and crystallizes in tabular shapes. It can be chipped into elastic and sometimes even transparent leaves. Typical for mica is the silver pearl luster. Variations of muscovite include paragonite, glaukonite,...
Info: Talc is the softess known mineral. Talc cannot be found in well grown crystals, he is mostly found in various agregates. Talc is usually white, but it can be grey or greenish. Talc is translucent in thin layers.
How to recognize: Talc feels greasy. It cannot be dissolved in acids or...
Info: Apophylite can often be found in well grown crystals with different habitus. It can create crystals with tetragonal bypyramids. The crystals of Apophylite can grow up to enormous sizes. Apophylite can have different colour, most favoured are pink, green and blue crystals. It can be...