Info: Octaedrical and cubical forms of grossular are rare. Grossular is heavy and hard mineral. In clear form the mineral is colourless and transparent, it can be transparent to translucent with colouration of white, yellow, green or red color, mostly with glassy luster. Grossular can be found...
Info: Spessartine can be found in many different shapes. The luster of the mineral is usualy glassy to vitreus and does not have cleavege. The colour of the mineral varies due to the containings of manganese and iron from orange, orange - red, to dark brown. Spessartine is created usualy in...
Info: Almandine is usualy opaque, and it has different geometrical shapes. The color of this mineral is purple to brownish red, rarely orange. Almandine has glassy to vitreous luster and it's the hardest of all garnets. Almandine is created usualy inside pegmatite or eklogite rocks.
How to...
Info: Pyrope is a garnet, which usualy crystalizes in perfect geometrical crystal shapes. Pyrope can contain various minerals in itself - usualy apatite, black limonite, pyrhotine, pyrite, rutile or black sphalerite. Pyrope has a dark red colour. When the mineral is translucent to transparent...
Info: Olivine can be found in diferent shapes and forms. The colour of the mineral varies between olive green to yellowish green, dark green, black or blackened (when eroded). Olivine can be dissolved in water containing salt, when eroded, it becomes serpentinite. Olivine is created usualy in...