Info: Zoisite crystalises in long prismatic crystals and is often found badly grown. It has light grey, green-grey, yellowish to red colouration. In some samples of the mineral often the aluminium is suplemented by iron.
How to recognize: Zoisite cannot be dissolved in any acid, when melted in...
Crystal structure
Colourless, various colours
Info: Kyanite crystalizes in long crystals, with good fission. It has ofren blue coloration, other colours like white or green are rare and the tone of the colour is not homogenic. Kyanite is transparent to translucent with pearl or glassy luster.
How to recognize: The hardess of kyanite is...
Info: Uvarovite is a rare garnet and is usually found in small crystals with green colouration. It is not fissionable like the other garnets and usually has emerald green colour with white streak. His luster is glassy to diamond-like. Uvarovite is often translucent to trasparent. It is more...
Info: Andradite crystalizes as other garnets in the rhombooctoedrical form. Andradite has many colours, the black is called melanite, greenish yellow - topazolite, green - demantoite. Andradite can be transparent, translucent or opaque. This mineral has glassy, vitreous to diamond luster. It's a...