Info: Cordierite is a very hard mineral, available in various colour variations. It often grows in the form of pseudo-hexagonal twins. The most valued cordierites are the blue ones. Cordierite grows in masses rich of aluminum with secondary methamorphosis.
How to recognize: Cordierite is hardly...
Info: Heliodor is the yellow variation of the mineral beryl. Heliodor can often contain liquids in small bubles inside the crystal.
How to recognize: The shape and colour of the beryl minerals cannot be imitated by any other mineral. Beryl cannot be dissolved in mineral acid and its almost...
Info: Morganite is the pink variation of the mineral beryl. Some minerals may have the cat's eye effect. Large crystals of morganite are often bound with other minerals, mainly with quartz.
How to recognize: The shape and colour of the beryl minerals cannot be imitated by any other mineral. Beryl...
Info: Emerald is typical pegmatite mineral variation of beryl with strong green colour seen from some sides with yellow to blue tones.
How to recognize: The shape and colour of the beryl minerals cannot be imitated by any other mineral. Beryl cannot be dissolved in mineral acid and its almost...
Info: Aquamarine is a variation of beryl that crystalises in six-sided crystals. Often liquid is traped inside the small aquamarines. Aqamarine is found only in pegmatites.
How to recognize: The shape and colour of the beryl minerals cannot be imitated by any other mineral. Beryl cannot be...