Info: Prehnite is rarely found in tabular or prismatic crystals. It is mostly found in various agregates. Prehnite is colourless to white, often coloured in various colours. Transparent crystals of Prehnite are very rare.
How to recognize: Prehnite can be dissolved in acids and melts in fire into...
Info: Rhodonite is more often found in agregates than in crystal form. The original colour of the mineral is pink, but due to errosion it changes to brownish red and black. The crystals of rhodonite are translucent to transparent.
How to recognize: Rhodonite cannot be dissolved in acids, but it...
Info: Spodumen often grows into massive prismatic crystals. It is oftenly whitish, to yellowish in colour. Kunzite and hiddenite are the pink and green variations of spodumen. Sometimes it can be translucent to transparent, but not very often. It is relatively hard mineral.
How to recognize:...
Info: Tourmaline is the name of many chemically simmilar minerals. Some of the tourmalines are elbaite, dravite and skoryle. Tourmaline crystalises in long collum crystals, some even more than 10 cm long. Different tourmalines can form different agregates. Tourmaline can be found in almost all...
Info: Dioptas is emerald-green mineral, with rhombohedral crystals. Dioptas is found mainly in groups of crystals, and only rarely in monocrystals. His low density and high fissure make him unfit for using in jewelry.
How to recognize: Dioptas can be dissolved easly in acids and in...