Info: Scapolite is hard mixture of marialite and meionite. Scapolite often creates beautiful prismatic crystals with soft colors. Yellow, purple, blue, green and orange scapolites are known. Sometimes it can have the cat’s eye effect.
How to recognize: Scapolite is fluorescent mineral,...
Info: Lapis Lazuli or lazurite often creates large masses that can be with dark or ligh blue color, sometimes even purple or blue-green. Lapis Lazuli sometimes can have yellow dots inside him, due to the presence of pyrite. Lapis Lazuli is rarely found in opaque octaedrical crystals with glassy...
Info: Hauyn often grows into twin octaedrical crystals. The mineral can be whitish, grey, green-white to bluish.
How to recognize: Hauyn is easly dissolved in mineral acids and melted.
Found: Hauyn was found in the lavas of mount Vesuvius and in the lavas of the mountains near Rome (Italy). Hauyn...
Info: Sodalite is rarely found in rhombododekadretical crystals, more often is found in grain aggregates. It is from colorless to blue with various colorations. Sodalite has waxy to glassy luster. During hydrothermal processes sodalite can turn himself into natrolite or other zeolites.
How to...
Info: Hyalophane grows into colorless or white crystals, which have good transparency and strong glassy luster. Crystals of hyalophane have prismatic habit. Hyalophane grows near calcites and dolomites, often together with manganese minerals.
Found: Hyalophane was found in Kaso (Japan), Otjosond...