
Info: Vivianite is relatively easy to aquire. He is often found in prismatic crystals. Various agregate forms of Vivianite can measure up to 1 meter. Vivianite is secondary mineral, which is created near sulfidium deposits, which are near iron. Vivianite can also be created by entire transmutation of primary phosphorous minerals in pegmatites. It can be found in various sedimentary places - swamps, soil, etc. In the form of white mud it can be found in the bottom of lakes.

How to recognize: Vivianite can be translucent to transparent, when exposed to air it becomes blue.

Found: Vivianite was found in Kamerun, Bolivia, Cornwall (England), Utah and Indiana (USA), Waldsassen (Germany). In Czech Republic Vivianite was found near Chvaletic and Hájek near Cheb.

Used for: In large quantities is used for extraction of green colour, but mostly is treasured as collector's item.

Crystal structure
1,5 - 2
Colorless, green, greenish blue, dark blue to black with oxidation
Vitreous, pearly on the cleavage, dull when earthy