
Info: Uvarovite is a rare garnet and is usually found in small crystals with green colouration. It is not fissionable like the other garnets and usually has emerald green colour with white streak. His luster is glassy to diamond-like. Uvarovite is often translucent to trasparent. It is more commonly found in serpentinite alongside with chromite.

How to recognize: Uvarovite cannot be dissolved in acids or melted by fire.

Found: Uvarovite was found in the Urals (Russia), Outokump (Finland), Kap Daglari (Turkey), together with dioptase in Oxford (Quebec, Canada), Transvaal (South Africa) and in India.

Used for: Uvarovite is used in science and collected by collectors.

Crystal structure
6,5 - 7
Emerald green
Glassy to diamond