
Info: Spessartine can be found in many different shapes. The luster of the mineral is usualy glassy to vitreus and does not have cleavege. The colour of the mineral varies due to the containings of manganese and iron from orange, orange - red, to dark brown. Spessartine is created usualy in pegmatites. It can also be found in various methamorphic rocks, near other manganese minerals.

Found: Spessartine was found in California and Virginia (USA), Madagaskar, Spessart (Germany), Sri Lanka, Barma and Brazil. Small spessartines were found in Italy. In Czech Republic spessartine was found in pegmatites, mainly in western Moravia.

Used for: In jewelery or in science.

Crystal structure
7 - 7,5
Orange, reddish brown
Glassy to vitreous