
Info: Monazite is very complex mineral. It can contain lanthan, neodmium, praseodim, samarium, gadolinium, thorium and uran. Crystals of monazite often have prismatic habitus. Monazite is often translucent, and it's often coloured in the colours of yellow and brown-red. This mineral has a resious, vitreus to glassy luster. Monazite is often formed inside granites and syenites. Monazites of big size can be found inside pegmatite rocks.

How to recognize: Monazite is a mineral with low radioactivity. Usually cannot be melted or dissolved in acids. When heatet it gains grey colouration.

Found: Monazite was found in Arendal and Iveland (Norway), in Colorado and Wyoming (USA), Madagaskar, Binnatal (Switzerland) and in Lacher See (Eifel, Germany). In Czech Republic monazite was found in pegmatite rocks in Písecko and west Morava.

Used for: In industry as thorium ore.

Crystal structure
5 - 5,5
Reddish brown, yellow
Resinous, vitreous to glassy