
Info: Almandine is usualy opaque, and it has different geometrical shapes. The color of this mineral is purple to brownish red, rarely orange. Almandine has glassy to vitreous luster and it's the hardest of all garnets. Almandine is created usualy inside pegmatite or eklogite rocks.

How to recognize: Sometimes has a lesser magnetic properties. Sometimes inside the mineral grow rutiliate needles.

Found: Almandine was found in India, Sri Lanka, Brazil, North America and Madagaskar. Interesting crystals were found in Zillertal (Austria). In Czech Republic Almandine was found in pegmatites and in tourmaline granite rock near Přibislavic (Čáslavsko).

Used for: In jewelery.

Crystal structure
7 - 7,5
Purple red to brownish red, orange
Greasy to vitreous