Info: Copper can be found sometimes in very big dimensions of homogenic material. It can be found in shape of dendrical agregates, wire and other. Cubical or orctaedrical crystals are rare. Native copper is opaque. If broken, it shows a remarcable metal shining in red colour. Common copper is...
Info: Cubical or octaedrical crystals of silver are rare. Today silver is found mostly in small dendrical wavy forms. Mostly silver is found in wire forms. Silver can be found in massive forms and piesces of various proportions. In nature, silver is usually covered with thin layer of silver...
Info: Octaedrical and rombododecadrical crystals of gold are rare. Gold is usually found in forms of grain, nugget, leaves and wired agregates. Almost every gold found in nature is combined with silver or other minerals.
How to recognize: Gold is transition metal, compared to other metals...
Info: Mercury is liquid in normal heat conditions. It becomes solid in -39 degrees by celsium. Mercury is mostly found near gold and silver, with them mercury uses to form an amalgama. Mercury has a tin white colour, its opaque and with strong metalic shine. Often is found in form of little...
Info: Native platinum is very rare. Mostly its bind with up to 18% of iron, copper, gold and other metals. Good developed crystals are rare. Platinum can be found mostly as little grains and nuggets up to 10 kg.
How to recognize: Platinum is dissolved only in heated aqua regia (mixure of...
Info: Native iron is very rare, crystals are very very rare. Iron is found mostly as little grains of steel grey colour, sometimes it creates little agregates in the core of other minerals.
How to recognize: Iron can be indentificated easly with magnet. It dissolves good in acids and in...
Info: Cubical and leaf agregates of antimony are rare. Antomony most commonly is found as little grains or casings and fragments. Antimony is silver white metal with strong metalic shine.
How to recognize: Antimony is not very hard, it can be scratched by knife. It cannot be dissolved in...
Info: Diamond is chemicaly pure carbon, the most hardest known mineral. Typical for the diamond is his strong, almost metalic shine, known as diamond shine. Most of the diamonds flourescent when put under ultraviolet light. From the crystal forms diamod usualy takes shape of eight-sided or...
Info: Sulfur is polymorphic mineral, found in many different shapes. On 119 degrees by celsium sulfur liquidates. In nature sulfur is found mostly in rombic form. Crystals of sulfur are in bypiramidal shape. In most deposits sulfur is occasionaly found in form of little grains. Clear sulfur...
Info: Same as the diamond, the graphite is pure carbon. Good developed crystals are rare in nature. The graphite usualy occurs as leavy, scale or whole agregates.
How to recognize: Graphite is easy to recognize by his black colour, softness and fragility. Leaves clear mark on...