Info: Little cubical crystals of this mineral are very rare in nature. Chlorargyrite is found mostly in whole masses. Chlorargyrite can be cutted by a knife, but it is not very soft. In clear form the colouration of chlorargyrite varies from colourless to white, when exposed to sunlight often...
Info: Carnallite is often found in masses. It have glass to oily shine, his colouration is from colourless to milky white. When bound with hematite it can obtain red colour and metalic shine.
How to recognize: It can be dissolved in water. When dissolved the liquid have a bitter and salty...
Info: Halite crystalizes only in cubical forms. It can be found also in whole masses and agregate form. Halite is primarely colourless, but can be coloured in few colour tones. Bitumen colours it in black, oxides of iron to yellow, red and grey, hematite to red. Most commonly halite is found...
Info: One of the most famous fluorite mineral, creates pseudocubical crystal forms.
How to recognize: The colouration of Cryolite varies from colouress to white. Whit its shine and colour often reminds of ice, because of that people usually call it "ice rock". It can hardly be recognized...
Info: Fluorite often creates big crystals sometimes with huge dimentions. Often is found in crystal twin form. Fluorite can be found as agregate too. In clear form fluorite is colourless and luminiscent. But in nature fluorite can be found in various colours - from pink, yellow and blue to...
Info: Villiaumite have a distinct red colour, thanks to natural radioactive waves, which made this colour. Good developed crystals are very rare, mostly villiaumite is found in masses. It is very rare mineral.
Found: Villiaumite was found on the islands Los (Western Africa), on the Koly...