Info: Borax is often found in grain or fibre masses, short fat table crystals often grow on compact masses of other minerals.
How to recognize: In time borax looses water and becomes tinkalkonite. This mineral creates the white facet of the crystal.
Found: Borax was found in Tibet,...
Info: Kernite crystalizes in monoclinic crystals. Sometimes is found as piesces of bigger crystals of lenght 1 meter. It has glass to silky luster, often is colourless or white and opaque.
Found: Kernite was found in USA, Spain, Argentina and Turkey.
Info: Ulexite is colourless, sometimes white, sometimes even green. It is translucent to transparent, with glass to silk luster. Crystalizes in triclinic crystals.
How to recognize: In UV-light ulexite emits strong blue-green flourescence, but often can emit also strong yellow coloured...
Info: Malachite is rarely found alone. When found alone, often is in agregate form. Often malachite is found in form of massive, botryoidal and stalactitic crystals. Malachite often have typical repeating lines of green colour with different density. It have adamantine to vitreous, silky if...
Info: Azurite crystalizes in monoclinic crystals in massive, prismatic, stalactitic and tabular crystal forms. Those crystals often grow together in beautiful crystal clusters. Sometimes azurite creates pseudomorphoses on cuprite and other minerals. Azurite is dark blue, it have glass shine...
Info: Ankerite crystalizes in trigonal crystals, which grow together. Most common foundings of ankerite are in forms of whole or grain masses, or whole agregates. It can be found in white, grey, yellow or brown colour. The intensity of his colour is dependable on the mass of iron that the...
Info: Dolomite can be transparent to translucent, crystalizes in masses and various agregates and crystal forms. The colours of dolomite are various - from the transparent white and grey to the opaque yellowish and pink colours. Dolomite have glass shine.
How to recognize: Dolomite is not...
Info: Cerusite crystalizes in crystals with prysmatic surfaces. Cerusite is colourless, sometimes can obtain white or grey colour. The mineral have a strong diamond shine.
How to recognize: In UV-light cerusite emits yellow flourescence. Cannot be dissolved in hydrochloric acid. Cerusite...
Info: Stroncianite is usualy found in whole masses. It is a fragile mineral, which usualy have white colour, but often can be found with various colouration - pink-red, grey or green. Stroncianite is translucent to transparent with glassy shine.
How to recognize: Sometimes stroncianite...
Info: Aragonite often crystalizes with orthorhombic structure, usually in the form of pointy crystals, which are often part of agregates. Sometimes aragonite can form up to six gemini crystal forms. Aragonite is usually colourless and transparent, but often is only translucent with various...