
Info: Scheelite can be found in whole mases, or in grains on the surface of various rocks. Often crystalizes in dipyramidal form. Scheelite can be colourless, grey-white, with colouration of pink and even brown colours. This mineral is often transparent to translucent with strong glassy to diamond luster. Scheelite is fragile, it is created within methamorphic rocks, within pegmatites or hydrothermal rocks.

How to recognize: Scheelite is relatively hard and heavy mineral. In UV-light it emits white-blue flourescence. When it grows near molybdenite scheelite takes yellow colour.

Found: Scheelite was found in Piedmont (Italy), Cornwalle (England), Sangdong (South Corea) and in various locations in USA. In Czech Republic scheelite is found in Krušné hory (Cinovec, Krupka) and in Krkonoše mountains (Obří důl).

Used for: In industry as the secound most important mineral for extraction of wolfram.

Crystal structure
4,5 - 5
Colourless, yellow, orange and other colours
From glassy to diamond