
Info: Malachite is rarely found alone. When found alone, often is in agregate form. Often malachite is found in form of massive, botryoidal and stalactitic crystals. Malachite often have typical repeating lines of green colour with different density. It have adamantine to vitreous, silky if fibrous, dull to earthy if massive luster.

How to recognize: Malachite is not very hard, it is fragile. It dissolves in acids with overflowing typical to the carbonate minerals.

Found: Malachite was found in Russia, Australia and Egipt. It can also be found in Kongo, Zimbabwe, USA, Chille, France and Germany. In Czech Republic malachite is found in small amounts together with azurite.

Crystal structure
Monoclinic, prismatic
Emerald green
Glass, wax, silk.