Lapis Lazuli

Info: Lapis Lazuli or lazurite often creates large masses that can be with dark or ligh blue color, sometimes even purple or blue-green. Lapis Lazuli sometimes can have yellow dots inside him, due to the presence of pyrite. Lapis Lazuli is rarely found in opaque octaedrical crystals with glassy luster.

How to recognize: Lapis Lazuli can be dissolved in hydrochloric acid, in which case he emits deadly hydrogen sulfide. In fire lapis lazuli looses his colors and can be melted into white glass.

Found: The most famous deposits of lapis lazuli are in Badachshan, in the mountains of Hindokush, Afghanistan. Other famous deposits are located near lake Bajkal (Russia), Coquimbo (Chille) and in California (USA).

Used for: Although it is hardly sanded, lapis lazuli is used widely in jewelry.

Crystal structure





Blue, purple, blue-green

