
Info: Little cubical crystals of this mineral are very rare in nature. Chlorargyrite is found mostly in whole masses. Chlorargyrite can be cutted by a knife, but it is not very soft. In clear form the colouration of chlorargyrite varies from colourless to white, when exposed to sunlight often obtains darker colouration - from grey, purpule to black colour.

How to recognize: Chlorargyrite cannot be dissolved in water, but it can be cutted by a knife.

Found: In Germany, France, Siberia (Russia), USA and other locations.

Used for: For the high percentage of silver in this mineral (up to 75%) is used for the extraction of silver. The extracted silver is used afterwards in jewelery or in industry.

Crystal structure
1,5 - 2
Colourless, white, darkens when exposed to sunlight